Winter Driving: How to Winterize Your Car

[Editor’s note: These winter driving tips aren’t flashy. They just get the job done, preparing you with ways to winterize your car or truck for the months ahead.] The holiday season has arrived and you don’t want to be the person who couldn’t get to grandma’s because of the weather. Depending on where you live,…
Clay Millican, NHRA Drag Racing and Brakes

If you know what a burnout, breakout and Christmas tree have in common, you’re probably a fan of NHRA Drag Racing. If you’re not familiar with drag racing, let’s start at the starting line. Today’s drag races typically begin with a pole of electric lights called a Christmas tree. Each side of the pole has…
5 Halloween Driving Safety Tips to Keep Little Ones Secure

It’s that time again. Zombies, fairies, vampires and more will soon be careening down the street, high on sugar and excitement. And those are just the parents. Why we need Halloween driving safety tips in 2016 Halloween falls on a Monday this year, so that means there will be a three-day span of festivities for…
Facebook Debate: Reuse or Replace Old Brake Pad Clips?

If you think talking about used brake pad clips is nothing to get worked up about, you haven’t visited the YourBrakes Facebook page, where we’ve got an intense “discussion” going on about whether people should replace old brake hardware when they replace the pads or simply grease, clean, and reuse the old ones.. The Facebook…
Automatic Braking: Coming Soon to a Highway Near You

Editor’s Note: At Your Brakes our goal is to teach the public everything there is to know about brake systems and their impact on safety. This story on automatic braking (not to be confused with brake assist) is part of that overall effort. We all know what it’s like in rush hour traffic. You stop…
Fall Car Care Tips: Stay Safe on the Road

So the kids are back to school and you’re rushing from place to place ferrying them to various activities along with trying to get your home and yard ready for winter. With all that’s going on, it’s tempting to let car maintenance slide. Don’t let it. With less daylight and erratic weather, it’s especially important…
Changing Windshield Wipers for Visibility and Safety

(Editor’s Note: In addition to maintaining your brakes, it’s also important to address other parts of your vehicle — like changing windshield wipers — for safer driving.) Think back to the last time you drove through a thunderstorm. Was it easy to see the cars in front of you or did you have to peer…
Best Automotive Apps: Shortcuts, Car Maintenance & Safety

If you want to chat with your friends, hear the latest news or see what celebrities are doing, you just open Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. But here at YourBrakes, we’re more interested in ways to connect you to your vehicle. And that brings us to what we think our some of the very best automotive…
How Brakes Work: Disc and Drum Brake Systems

(Editor’s Note: In past articles, we’ve discussed the importance of replacing brake clips and changing brake fluid, but today we want to look at the big picture, how brakes work – a brief guide to brake systems. Enjoy!) Sooner or later it happens. You take your eye off the road for a second and when…
Liquid or Paste Wax: What’s Best for Waxing Your Car?

(Editor’s note: While having your brakes and vehicle in good shape for summer driving is important, it’s nice to get a glossy shine by waxing your car. Here are types of wax and tips on how to wax your car or truck. Enjoy!) Even if you don’t have the time or interest to complete auto…